Grayslake Dog Bite Lawyer
Attorney for Dog Bites and Animal Attacks in Lake County

In many Illinois households, dogs are more than just animals. They are faithful companions who are treated as a part of the family in virtually every way. While most dogs have never and will never injure a person, some dogs will bite. As a matter of fact, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that an estimated 4.7 million dog bites occur across the country each year, and a high percentage of the victims are children.
If you have been bitten by a dog, you may be entitled to seek compensation from the dog's owner. Damages may be available to cover your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and even any permanent scarring caused by the bite. At The Law Office of Brian M. Laughlin, PC, our skilled attorney is prepared to help you seek justice for your dog bite injuries.
Round Lake Injury Lawyer Who Knows the Law
Illinois is a strict liability state in regard to dog bites. This means that dog owners—or those who have assumed responsibility for a dog—are liable for any damages caused to another person as the result of a bite or any other type of attack by the animal. Strict liability also means that the victim does not need to prove negligence on the part of the owner. Illinois is also one of only a few states in which a dog that bites for the first time is not given a "free bite" but rather, can be held liable.
There are, however, several elements that must be proven for your dog bite claim to be successful. First, you will need to show that you were in a place that you were permitted to be. Trespassers cannot collect compensation. You must also prove that you did not provoke the dog into biting you. This burden of proof is substantially lower when the victim is a child because a child is less likely to understand how his or her actions may provoke a dog. Finally, you must show that you were injured as a result of the attack and that you suffered losses.
It is important to keep in mind that the injuries you sustained do not need to have been caused by the dog's teeth directly. For example, if you tried to run from an attacking dog and the animal caused you to trip and break your arm, the owner could still be held liable for your injuries.
Aggressive Dog Bite Attorney in Waukegan
The nature of strict liability laws generally means that negotiated settlements are common in Illinois dog bite cases. At The Law Office of Brian M. Laughlin, PC, we understand the importance of negotiating in good faith, but we also know that preparing for trial is often the best approach to negotiation. We will conduct a full investigation of your case, looking for any and all information that could be used on your behalf. We will only agree to settle if doing so is in your best interest, and we are ready and willing to go to trial if necessary.
Call Us Before Speaking With An Insurance Company
If you or your child has been injured by a dog bite, contact our office to get help understanding your options for collecting compensation. Call 847-752-8537 for a free, no-obligation consultation. We do not charge upfront legal fees, and you only pay if you recover damages. Our firm serves clients in Grayslake, Waukegan, and throughout Lake County, Illinois.